Front-End Web Development BootCamp

Front-End Web Development BootCamp

Web Development

Unlock the power of web development with our Front-End BootCamp. Learn essential skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create stunning, interactive websites. Join us and embark on your journey to becoming a proficient front-end developer.

What you will learn?




  • Develop effective communication skills
  • Express ideas clearly and confidently
  • Deliver engaging and persuasive presentations
  • Write a compelling CV that highlights skills and experiences effectively
  • Confidently navigate job interviews and make a positive impression
  • Demonstrate proactive problem-solving 
  • Encourage a mindset of continuous learning and exploration


  • Plan, execute, and monitor projects using project management techniques
  • Achieve proficiency in HTML and CSS
  • Use Git and GitHub in the context of web development
  • Develop a strong foundation in JavaScript
  • Apply ReactJS in a real-world use case
  • Apply your knowledge through hands-on projects and real-world applications


  • Understand the fundamental principles and concepts of project management
  • Explore Agile and Scrum methodologies and their applications in project management
  • Understand the fundamentals of web development
  • Understand what Git and GitHub are
  • Understand the concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) in JavaScript
  • Understand the fundamentals of React and its role in front-end web development

Technical live sessions

23 Parts

1 Chapters

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The Art of Professional Presence

114 Parts

7 Chapters

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Project Accelerator

67 Parts

2 Chapters

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Web Foundation

90 Parts

5 Chapters

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The JavaScript Odyssey

86 Parts

10 Chapters

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The Reactor: Unleashing Front-End with React

129 Parts

8 Chapters

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  • 240+ Duration (Hrs)
  • 20+ Interactive Live Sessions
  • 8 Weeks
  • 24+ Tasks
  • Employability Impact
  • Arabic Language


  • Pass the selection processes
  • Very good problem-solving skills
  • Good command of English
  • Good command of HTML and CSS
  • Preferably a university degree in Engineering or Computer Science

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